Gakusen vol 9 Chapter 3

Here’s the chapter 3 of Gakusen, two chapters should be ready for the next week (well depending on the editor)

Editor: Killsacred

TLC: dragon1412

Enjoy it.

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6 Responses to Gakusen vol 9 Chapter 3

  1. lnwnepubs says:

    Thanks for the Chapter!!!!

  2. Windsgrace says:

    Yay. 😀 Don;t push yourself. 😛 Also do you plan to do Madan after this? :O

  3. Windsgrace says:


  4. Mr.Snappy says:

    Can ask something to you setsuna… Are you still going to translate saijaku?

    • Jhereg says:

      Look at the sidebar where he tracks progress (the Translation tracker for Col 3 is already up). It and Madan are going to alternate chapters when he is done with Gakusen. He also had a post addressing this just before the computer drama happened if you scroll down just a bit. It’s coming.

  5. devilsadvocate6 says:

    thank you setsuna ^^

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