Long overdue explanation for the delay

Hello it’s Yascob, the guy who was supposed to edit Gakusen 6.

Obviousy the first thing to say would be I’m really sorry about delaying the editing of Gakusen Volume 6. I have reasons but it takes quite a bit of explaining

So let the long explanation begin.

I initially planned to get the editing done as fast as I could without too many errors but then I found out that sometimes University can be quite busy. I then decided okay I probably will get very little done on the chapters if I try so let’s focus on my school work and get the chapters done during my week long break from school which was coming up.

For the break I was flying out by myself to visit some family. The expected travel time was 2 hours (more than likely not enough to edit a full-length chapter) so I decided that it was probably not worth it to put my computer in my carry on because I’m the type of person who needs to finish what I start in the same sitting I start it otherwise it will bother me until I do and I was expecting to get in quite late as well. Stuff got complicated and it ended up taking me until the next day to get there 13 and half hours later than I expected(which can be quite stressful). I also really underestimated how much my family had planned and had very little time to get any editing done. I kept telling myself that I would have time eventually. It really did not happen and I really regret not giving up earlier and passing it on sooner.

I feel really bad about it and I came to the conclusion that I really don’t have as much time as I thought I did and should probably focus on getting better used to university especially since this is my first year in university. Also this year I suddenly bacame an Exec in a club (Even I was not expecting it but I really could not say no to a friend). So I will stop being an active editor until I determine I have enough time to resume editing.

I do not plan to stop editing forever I really do enjoy it a lot of the time. I also will try to resume editing after this semester which should end at around April 20th.

Thank you those of you who took the time to read this.


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16 Responses to Long overdue explanation for the delay

  1. 33naelurec says:

    its okai, i’m glad you ascertained what your own priorities are. that’s most important.
    take care, and hope to see you back!

  2. I understand, don’t worry about it. Things worked out in the end 🙂

  3. Shiroyasha says:

    I believe posting this kind of stuff is unnecessary, you have your own life and you have no obligation to finish editing the chap in a specific time… please refrain from apologizing..

  4. Firestorm says:

    Thanks very much for the work you have put in so far and home United gets easier and goes well for you

  5. hussbek says:

    that’s always a time and place for everything

  6. DigitalAK27 says:

    No problem man, real life comes first and I’ll always lend you a hand when you or setsuna needs it.

  7. happinezz001 says:

    so yascob won’t be editing volume 7 ?

    also may you finish the semester without any problems

  8. burnnnn says:


    It is never fun when everything falls in such a way that all your free time disappears.

    At least nothing serious occurred! The F5 army salutes you!
    While you are not an editor you are one of us! (“one of us” echoes in background)

    Enjoy club! And hope exams go well >_< (Thank god for masters being thesis only)

  9. Thershan says:

    I can relate to you yascob. I’ve done two degrees now and im doing a masters in forensics science with criminology. Also you have your own life to deal with and your free time will be a lot less.

    Hope everything goes well with your university life and everything gets a bit easier for you. Have a good one mate.

  10. embodiment of procrastination says:

    if the one translating that is me, it’d probably take two more years to finally get back to translating it again. me and my habits. you shouldn’t feel bad about it. not everyone has the guts to do trans/editing anyway

  11. Joww says:

    Can’t say no to a friend, i thought i was the only one with that condition >.<

  12. runsing says:

    still faster than most LN, imho. no prob here.

  13. dualxblades says:

    We got your back. Nuff said.

  14. yascob99 says:

    Thanks for the support! It just makes me want to get back into editing as soon as I can.

  15. Matthew Davis says:

    Awesome that you let us know even though you are in no way obligated to do so! Thank you truly for your effort thus far and know that I enjoy your work and look forward to the day that perhaps you continue!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much for all your effort so far! I really hope you have a very happy and successful life and, maybe, if you someday have time, you come back to editing for us humble readers!
    P.S. I used to read GTA in BT so I’m new in this blog but it’s really nice to see that everyone here realizes that translators/editors have their own lives unlike some guys in other blogs (read as Maurice Bartlett in Code-Zero’s blog)

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